Wednesday, 23 February 2011

WIP Wednesday - Heart...Break

The soundtrack for my novelette/novella/thing-of-undetermined-length is Once More with Feeling, you know, the Buffy musical. Of course you know--I've put a picture to the left. I think it's just an excuse to visit You Tube daily.

I've got a theory. Some kid is dreaming. And we're all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare...

(Apologies, but sometimes you gotta belt out a song. Be grateful you're not in the room with me and a karaoke machine).

Barbed Wire Hearts (working title) currently stands at 10,376 words and is about a boy who loses his heart...

If made of glass, his heart would have splintered. If balloon like, it 'd burst. Where it once beat, it thudded, then dropped into his bowels waiting for him to shit it out.

...literally. I made poor Eddie wander around a forest with it dribbling down his inner leg. Although, I'm reserving my sorrow for Rose, she's just discovered the coroner's stitches on her chest. I don't think he did a very good job.


Elizabeth Twist said...

Your WiP sounds awesome and hardcore. I love it.

When you're done, I'll meet you in a karaoke bar somewhere and we can belt out some Buffytunes together.

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Elizabeth. And that sounds like a plan.

Aaron Polson said...

Oh, Cate. Can I have one of your ideas, please? Mine have been too pedestrian of late.

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Lol! Awesome, Cate!

Michael Stone said...

You're really really weird, d'you know that?

Simon said...

Did Cate say the s-word on her blog? (Faints dead away and has to be revived with smelling salts.)

Hope to see this in print in the not-at-all-too-distant future, getting the huge sales figures and critical acclaim it deserves.

(Even though- as Michael says- you're odd, you are.)

Bobbie Metevier said...

How completely outrageous, creepy and whacky.

Good job!

Fox Lee said...

He shit out his heart? Cool! In a horrible, poor him kind of way ; )

Cate Gardner said...

Decide to defy science and you'll be on the crazy train with me, Aaron.

Thanks, Lee

I do hope so, Mike

I'm sure I've used the word 'soundtrack' before, Simon :P

Thanks, Bobbie

Hearts are overrated, Natalie

PV Lundqvist said...

Excellent choice!

I listen to RIP almost every week. Then again, I'm a Spike fan.

Barry Napier said...

the imagery of shitting out one's heart is both awesome and disturbing. It is right up there with the moment I discovered in a Chuck Palahniuk novel that Number 2 can indeed come out of the other end...

Cate Gardner said...

Excellent song, PV.

Ah yes, blocked tubes. Nice image before tea, Barry :D

Kara McElhinny said...

amazing blurb, thanks for the teaser!

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Kara

Katey said...

Oh yeah. I need this one.

sometimes you gotta belt out a song.
That ought to be my motto...