Kylie Bullivant sent me the following link on January 1st of all days. Talk about making someone's new year. Thanks, Kylie. Patrick Rutigliano has reviewed Triangulation: End of the Rainbow over at Shroud Magazine. This is what he has to say about my story:
Cate Gardner’s trademark whimsy lightens the mood in the first pages of “The Meaning of Yellow” before exploring far deeper themes in a world robbed of color.
...and you can read the rest of the review here. Thanks, Patrick.
And talking of reviews. I've posted two new ones over at Skull Salad. Tying Knots by Ken Liu (Clarkesworld) and What They Hear in the Dark by Gary McMahon (Spectral Press).
Sweet! Makes me want to read it...
Cool review in a decent looking collection.
Happy New Year and all that.
"trademark whimsy"?
He has your number. ;)
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