Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Twelve Lousy Days

Twelve days until NaNoWriMo. Twelve lousy days. I am the definition of panic.

Still working on my covered in red scrawl story. I have 3,000 words licked with another 4,000 to be prettied. Of course, the previous 3,000 will go through further surgery before I release it. So, no I didn't complete my edits at the weekend. I worked hard though and I have a title I somewhat like - Nowhere Hall.

As for the aformentioned NaNoWriMo, I decided this morning that the project is too big for me. It's not labelled 'mad escapade' for fun. Well, okay it was, but now it's seeming like a mad escapade in its entirety. I want to set part of it in the 1920s, I really do. And I meant to do lots of pretty 1920s research, but I haven't. I wandered around Waterstones last month and couldn't find one 1920s related book - god bless Amazon. Not that I ordered any from Amazon either. If this blog was twitter I'd be hashtagging #mefail. I'm considering changing the 1920s portion to the 1970s because, I was alive then and sort of remember it. Crap, did I just admit to that on the web. Of course, that would still require some 1970s research and I need to write how many words a day during November?

Okay, breathe...

In the bath this morning - best thinking always occurs there - I decided I should go for my other novel idea instead. I have a title, characters and an idea that I think is awesome (but then I would)... Of course I have no plans worked out at all for that book, and my other, The Museum of Impossible Artefacts, does at least have 14,000 ish words of notes.

Is it December yet?


Barry Napier said...

your thought process sounds a lot like mine. it's both delightful and a hindrance when those pesky ideas keep insisting themselves on you, huh?

Aaron Polson said...

Only 42 days until December.

Katey said...

I have tons of 1920s music I can give you, if that'd help! (Hell, just watch a bunch of episodes of Jeeves and Wooster, Poirot, and Boardwalk Empire, then read some F. Scott Fitzgerald! Er, wait, that'd be lazy research, huh? Dammit!)

Nowhere Hall sounds awesome!

Fox Lee said...

If I do Nano, I'm pretty sure Ying will divorce me ; )

Cate Gardner said...

I'm going to claim it's always delightful and swear a lie never passed these lips, Barry.

Yay, erm, wait a minute... How long, Aaron? Are you sure.

Lazy research seems about all the effort I can muster, Katey. You should tell me off.

Well we can't have that, Natalie.

Tyhitia Green said...

I understand completely, Cate. I'm researching for Nano as well. I'm Horror Diva on there, by the way, if you want to friend me. :-D

So much RL stuff is going on that it's hampered my pre-Nano research. **sigh** We'll both get it together.

Anonymous said...

You are going to slay this novel. I have complete and utter faith in you. And I'm right here beside you! We'll roll around in our chairs, procrastinating on Twitter! ;)


Cate Gardner said...

I've added you over at the NaNo page :D

Procrastinate, us... As if we would, Mercedes.

BT said...

Waves :c)

Why am I the only one that got stuck on the image of you in the bath...in a very good and hot way, of course!

See, I only pop up to comment on the very best of things...
