Friday, 27 August 2010

Dead Man Rotting

I'm writing...

I'm writing about zombies...

I'm writing about a zombie named Pastor Best...

Somebody please make me change his name for it's far too silly and making me snicker every time I type it.

*This post possibly only makes sense to me... Move along now.


Barry Napier said...

Pastor Worst, maybe?
Pastor Valiant Effort?


K.C. Shaw said...

I named a character in my WIP Reverend Masterson. I'm thinking that's a bit obvious. Want to swap?

Fox Lee said...

Pastor Loin?

Rose Cooper said...

Pastor Rotten?
Pastor Eyes? (say it real fast) haha

Cate Gardner said...

Too painful, Barry. :D

Kate, I so want to steal it.

Ha, Nat. Tempted.

Rose, snort.

Josh Reynolds said...

Howsabout Philip Graves?

Cate Gardner said...

I love that, Joshua. Inspired. :D

Aaron Polson said...

I kind of like Pastor Best. You could always give a nod to Nathanial Hawthorne and call him Pastor Hooper (from the "Minister's Black Veil").

Anonymous said...

Whoah! Wait. Why change Pastor Best? That sounds totally creepy to me.

Milo James Fowler said...

Does Pastor know best in this tale?

Simon said...

Cate, with a pun like that, the only thing I can do is fall to my knees and propose marriage.

Paula Ray said...

I have a friend who is writing a romance novel. Her heroine is named...(wait for it) Pashone.

Pastor Breast suddenly springs to mind (oh get out, you warped thought)

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron & Jeremy, I love Pastor Best too. Unfortunately, I think he'll drag the reader out of the story (and I mean that literally - he's a disturbing fellow).

I'm afraid he doesn't, Milo. Ha!

Simon, which makes you the third person to do that this week.

Paula, oh dear. Ha! :D

Simon said...

Two others got there before me? I'll have to fight them for your hand! Put 'em up! Put 'em up...!

Danielle Birch said...

Sorry, have to join in - Pastor Hope.