Sometime last month I read this interview with Kelly Link and in it she suggested the following story generating idea (via Stephen Dobyns). In an hour (or more - I took about two) write down 50 first sentences, the first things that come out of that delightful noggin of yours (I have a book of keywords and weaved my sentences around the first 50 words I stumbled across). Then pick 25 of those sentences and write 25 first paragraphs, and out of those you should be able to conjure up half a dozen short stories.
Now, I'm a greedy gal and I'm currently trying to weave 50 stories out of 50 first sentences (because they are all undeniably...partway to...almost...well I thought they were wonderful for at least 50 minutes). I do expect the number to drop by at least half before the year is out, but at the moment I'm having fun and it feels like a weird mix of procrastinating and writing at the same time.
*This is what happens when you realise you have almost no stories 'out there'.
That is truly an excellent idea! I'd be lucky to come up with 10, of course, but I guess even that might yield ONE story, right?
That's a cool idea! Of course, I'd end up with 50 new novel ideas, like I need anymore of those worthless things. :)
Well hell. I thought those tweets about a normal word count (2,000-ish) relating to an unlikely number of stories (50) was all...ummm...embellishment. :-D
But now that I read your post, I find myself wanting to try this on for size.
Sounds like an awesome way to come up with new story ideas but my brain would implode if I tried writing more than one story at a time.
Katey, I'm with you on the ONE story. If I get at least one out of the experiment, I'll be happy. Of course if I get FIFTY, twitter will explode.
Kate, ha! How about fifty first sentences of possible chapters.
Anthony, you thought I was embellishing!!! Consider your wrists slapped, now write 50 sentences as punishment.
Andrea, my brain imploded at about 7:25 on twitter yesterday evening.
I've done a similar trick in the past, but never all the way to fifty first sentences. Wow. I'd have a tendancy to be a little greedy, too, and tackle all fifty.
I know what I am doing my next dry spell. :)
Awwww, but Caa-aate. I don't wanna!
*Tony crosses his arms and stomps out of the room.*
And no doubt Aaron, you'd achieve all fifty.
Cool. Let me know how you get on, Jamie.
Anthony - my word is lord, get to.
I'm going to give this a try. I love writing activities.
I'm intrigued! I truly wish that you and I could don fairy wings and sit under trees, writing our Fantastical Fifty. That would rock.
Danielle, I love them too :D
Mercedes, that sounds delightful.
When I am detoxed from vacation, I am SOOO doing this.
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