I blame Aaron Polson and his blog about Googling his name. I just found a Spanish review of my story 'Uncle Eric's Leather Bound Tale' which appeared in issue 2 of Arkham Tales.
I quote:
The secret to melt humans and turn them into trunks.
Very strange text, but fun to read.
That'll do me. Much appreciated.
He made me google myself, too! I found my name on a couple Japanese sites. It was a good day : )
A very good day...
That's really cool! As I mentioned to Aaron...there are worse places it could have appeared, especially with "leather bound" in the title.
Goodness, yes. Ahem!
You should set up a Google alert for your name - then you'll get email updates anytime people are talking about you behind your back! Err.....I mean praising your skills :)
I have an alert set up but it missed this review. Though most of the time the alert sends me info on Cate Blanchett because... Well, I don't know why.
Ha, pretty cool. I never find anything interesting for my name.
All I get is stuff about the painter whose name my parents borrowed.
Muy bueno!
How fun. I'm going to melt some humans as soon as I figure out how to turn one into a trunk.
Awesome! I, for once, resisted temptation. No googling for me.
I will not be happy until I find reviews of my stories in German. (Say, how many pages did you have to sift through to find this review?)
I keep coming up with a Sheila Eyberg who is a prominent and well published psychologist (I think) in my searches. Apparently she works with someone named Jamie. Weird.
Ha. Priceless. Thank you, Google Translate.
Yeah, I haven't found a lot. I don't think I've ever been reviewed as such, which is a bit of bummer.
That said, I did find a Randy Sampson, goddammit, I might just change my name!
Wahey for England! (sorry, couldn't resist)
Hahaha oh wow-- that is amazing. Also, Alan has a point about the leather-bound thing... kind of a shame nothing came up in reference to that, actually.
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