Sunday, 30 May 2010

Welcome to the Twilight Zone

It is important to note that if there are a thousand items in a shop and only one of them is dodgy, I will buy it. My inbuilt-radar won't allow anything else.

So, I bought a new printer/scanner on Thursday because my old one decided to reinterpret everything it scanned. It developed a mind of its own, and I can't blame it for that. New printer/scanner refused to scan anything but pretty multicoloured lines. After cries of, 'what have you done this time' from my family, they discovered I had infact done nothing, if you discount my dodgy-radar abilities. So off to the shop we go, where after much testing of dodgy printer/scanner, the staff finally admitted I'd picked up a lemon. Cries of, 'I've never known this happen before,' echoed around the store. Anyhow, I left with another new printer/scanner that appears to be working. Fingers crossed. However, my wireless network...

In my wonky-world, after weeks of fiddling with the thing, and my brother giving me a wireless adapter for my pc so we could set up the router, my laptop still refuses to allow me into the internet and now my pc seems able to access the internet when the router is switched off and the ethernet cable isn't connected to the computer. I think it's telepathically connecting with the alien mothership hovering above my house.


Aaron Polson said...

And some people wonder where you get your ideas...

Welcome to Cate's world.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Another case of the evil technology taking over our lives...perhaps the mother ship comes over Newfoundland. Might explain the UFO sightings.

Tuonela said...

Careful, your microwave may be listening in...

Jamie Eyberg said...

I say beware the coffee pot. It has eyes you know.

Cate Gardner said...

They beam down from the mothership, Aaron. :D

Alan, I believe it flies there every Tuesday afternoon.

Ian, I feed it nonsense.

Phew! No coffee pot at this end, but I do have a kettle that spits.

Anthony Rapino said...

Best blog post title ever. :-D

It does in fact seem you've stumbled into the twilight zone. If your TV turns on by itself at night, run.

K.C. Shaw said...

The printer was reading your stories. No wonder it developed a slightly wonky outlook on life. :)

Now it sounds as though your computer is reading them too.

Fox Lee said...

I'd love to see what your ability can do with something more complicated. Perhaps a trip to NASA is in order?

Andrea Allison said...

I think your printer conspired with my printer and now they are both off having cappuccinos mocking us.

Simon said...

This sounds like my life when it comes to computers and printers. My printer went a bit a while back- strange in the sense that every time I try to print something off it it shuts down Word, which is a bit frustrating. Mind you, I did hear somewhere that creative people can cause electrical/electronic stuff to go haywire. So your genius is now clearly official :D

Kara McElhinny said...


erhm... sorry Cate. It's just so familiar to everything that happens in my life on a daily basis.

Hmm... maybe we should start a club?

Hope you're well.

Danielle Birch said...

Technology - any kind - can be a real bitch.

Cate Gardner said...

Anthony, I might linger - I've always wondered what happened when you went into the light.

Ha, Kate. :D

Natalie, I'd never make it to the moon.

Andrea, cheeky things.

Simon, it's not official until someone stamps my forehead.

Hinny, I believe technology likes to mess with most humans.

Amen, Danielle.

Katey said...

Haha dodgy-radar. That's the best-- and yeah, what Aaron said. Welcome to Cate's World!

Rabid Fox said...

There are days when I don't envy you. Upon reading your torment, today is one of those days. :)