Friday, 12 March 2010

The Book I Could Scribble In

A wondrous thing arrived in the post yesterday. I wasn't going to mention its wonderfulness here, but R. Schuyler Devin asked would I post pics because he wanted to see what a slip-case Postscripts looked like and I couldn't resist.

I think my signature screams, 'this is the first time, I've had to sign 500 pages for a book and I am so taking my time with it (side note: Marly Youmans has the most gorgeous signature in the known universe). And hey, at last I got to write in a book legitimately - I've been doing it since I was three.


Kara McElhinny said...

Wow, what a beautiful book and such a great scribble! Congrats Cate!

Thanks for sharing the photos :D


Aaron Polson said...

Gorgeous, Cate. One for the ages.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Hinny.

Aaron, it's going in my coffin... Or, as we shrink when we get older, perhaps I'll fit in it by then because I'll be 184.

Josh Reynolds said...

Lucky duck. Congratulations!

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, how completely cool! Just don't misspell your name (I know I tend to write too fast and spell my name Katherne, and then I have to go back and add the i, which makes me look like I'm forging my own signature).

I just read your 52 Stitches story (finally) and it's completely amazing, of course. Very dark, very lovely.

Barry Napier said...

Very cool!

Fox Lee said...

They're all so stylish : )

Simon said...

Way cool, Cate- well done. Woot! And possibly, indeed, squee. ;)

Brendan P. Myers said...

Oh, my. It's gorgeous.

(Typed that before seeing Aaron said the same thing, but I'm keeping it cuz . . . it just is.)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Enjoy the scribbling.

Tuonela said...

That looks like a nice thing worth owning! And your sig is very elegant.

My signature looks like an inky, drunken spider staggered and skated across whatever I sign. And it never looks the same twice, which is embarrassing at the bank, every time.

Anonymous said...

How awesome is that? Congratulations Cate.

Andrea Allison said...

Sweet! Congrats!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, guys.

Squee indeed, Simon.

marly youmans said...

Hi Cate--

Couldn't resist replying to that one! Congrats to you, and thanks for the compliment--hope you like the story as well. I haven't gotten my copy yet, alas, so I haven't read yours yet.

Here's a little post about how I once had the most dreadful handwriting in the world and how a little foreign man in a dark coat saved me:

marly said...

Oops, not hot! Click on my name this time--should take you.

Cate Gardner said...

The penmanship teacher taught you well, Marly.

Danielle Birch said...

Very cool.

Katey said...

Oh my god, so beautiful.

K. Allen Wood said...

Wow! That's awesome, Cate! I had no idea you got into Postscripts. Pretty sweet. =)

Cate Gardner said...

Ken, I get into all the best places. ;)

Doug Murano said...

Very, very cool!

marly youmans said...


I have snitched one of the pictures, so your book and your bedspread (?) are on my blog! I gave you credit. Forgive me for rampant pillage?

Cate Gardner said...

I don't believe I've been rampantly pillaged before. :D