Only 10,000 words of Grim Glass Vein this week - the deflatedness of this sentence is brought to you by last week's rocking word count and not by the writer who is all woot about it and currently shining her writer's medal.
After a good few days, I've been lax today, probably because I've shifted heads and I'm not certain it works. I want it to - especially as this character is more of a troubled airhead than the first draft suggested. However, she may suffer the dreaded curse of the delete button in the final edit.I'm now about half-way through this draft and for the most part I'm happy with it. I'm hoping to send it out in April. I'm hoping it will crawl over the 60,000 word mark (YA). I'm hoping it's email folder doesn't start to smell too quickly. I'm hoping this one is the one. That's a lot of hope for one little book to carry.
*The blog post title is sponsored by my need to use the word, dastardly and the deletion of all adverbs from the first draft.
Ah, troubled airheads. Always showering when they shouldn't, and running around in high heels. Bless their hearts : )
Where would horror be without them?
Oh she sounds like so much fun! I always doubt the ones who are the most fun, for some reason. Hopefully this is a case of the same kind of thing.
Where would horror be...probably better off but with a lot less male fans. T&A horror just isn't my cup of tea - not that I'm saying you've written a T&A YA piece (try saying that when you're drunk).
As for deflation at only 10K this week - I could slap you. You are an evil woman for making the rest of us look so shabby in our weekly word counts ;c)
And lastly, you don't know what instantly popped into my head when I first read that you'd switched heads...
Roll on April
I am with BT on this. I don't think I have hit that word count this year, let alone a week. All I can say is you rock!
That word count looks pretty impressive from where I'm standing. That's more than I typically write during some entire months, let alone a week!
And that book sounds like fun.
Personally, I like my horror characters with a little substance but troubled airheads do have their place. Keep up the good work!
Yeah! What's with the 10,000 words isn't good enough business???
Have a little respect for those of us who are lucky to break 1,000 a week! :)
Katey, I love kooky characters.
BT, hey no showing of T&A here, a girl can be an airhead without being the football team's mascot. Oh, and pray tell what popped into one's head. :D
Jamie, that'll be due to the fact I've been listening to a lot of Presley lately. ;)
Thanks, Patrick.
Andrea, my poor airhead is dead = not much substance at all. ;D
Rich, oh I am very happy with my word count, I just wish it was a wee bit more (I'm soooooo greedy) :D
I am with BT too. 10,000 words against my kid-sized variety pack of words deserves a slap. :) Ah well.
By the way, you've been tagged.
Hey, could people please stop slapping me. :/
10,000 words is nothing to sneeze at. And I'd say your hopes are well-founded, with positive outcomes just around the corner. :)
Kate, we live in perpetual hope.
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