Saturday, 16 January 2010

Riding the Yellow Wave

Kicking away my new year funk, the wonderful folk over at Parsec Ink have just accepted The Meaning of Yellow for their Triangulation: End of the Rainbow anthology.

I be stoked.

As a side note, you'll find a story by Aaron Polson in last year's Triangulation: Dark Glass anthology, and to celebrate I just ordered a copy.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have been woefully lax when it comes to submitting. As always, I find you inspiring. :)


Aaron Polson said...

Congrats, Cate. The Parsec folks are awesome, and they know how to get their stuff in front of reviewers. Nice work.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Again, bigtime congrats.

Sophie Playle said...

Ooh, congrats!

You know, I think I may have a story that's suitable for this. It's a tad over their limit though, at 6500 words.

I've just ordered a copy of Dark Glass, too :)

Patrick Rutigliano said...

Nice going, Cate!

Doug Murano said...

Nice work!

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats! The Triangulation anthologies are great. They bought the third story I ever sold. :)

jonathan pinnock said...

Great stuff, Cate! I liked the look of that antho when I heard about it. Although have I submitted? Have I hell.

Fox Lee said...

Hurrah! That kicks ass : )

Angela said...

Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations!!!!

Cate Gardner said...

Mercedes, I've been woefully busy collecting rejections. :D

Thanks, Aaron.
Thanks, Jamie

Good luck, Sophie

Thanks Josh, Patrick, Doug

Kate, I should have checked out all of the Triangulation antho's, I forgot you were in End of Time.

Jon, get to it.

Thanks Natalie, Thanks Angela.

Katey said...

Congratulations again, Cate. That's huge!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Katey.

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Congrats again, Cate - awesome news!

Tyhitia Green said...

Yay, Cate. I'm doing a happy dance for you now as we speak. :-D Congratulations.

Barry Napier said...

Many congrats!

Carrie Harris said...

Woo woo! I be stoked too!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks guys. :D