Tuesday, 26 January 2010

By George, She's Got It

I've solved all my synopsis problems. I can't believe the answer was in front of me all the time. All I have to do is...

...Never write or query another novel ever again. Ha! Ha! Oh! I believe there is a flaw in my brilliant plan. Back to the drawing board.


Fox Lee said...

Whose got George by what now? ; )

Brendan P. Myers said...

Wow. Must be synopsis week. Why wasn't I informed? I'm SUPPOSED to be informed!

K.C. Shaw said...

HA! I swear I was thinking as I read, "OMG, she's found the secret and she's going to tell us!" And so you did.

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch the clip but my wife said "turn it down! I'm trying to watch cat on a Hot Tin Roof!"

She just thinks Marlon Brando's hot.

Aaron Polson said...

Oh, those vowels! And the rain in Spain!

(Brendan...pssst: it's synopsis week)

Tyhitia Green said...

Oh, I didn't know it was synopsis week. I'm so out of the loop. :-D

Andrea Allison said...

I'm in the same boat as Brendan. No one tells me anything these days until I'm that dork dancing on top of a desk and a lamp shade on my head slurring the words to ...Baby One More Time. It's just rude I tell ya ;)

Cate Gardner said...

Natalie, I've promised not to say ;)

Brendan, apologies.

KC, I did indeed.

Jeremy, put Godfather in the DVD player.

Aaron, Hurricanes Hardly Hever Happen :D

Tythia, get with the program.

Andrea, no matter how drunk you are never sing Britney.

Katey said...

I always hear my dad's voice when Henry Higgins sings-- last time I saw this show, obviously, Dad played him.

Oh dear :/

Cate Gardner said...

I hope you never hear my attempts at Eliza Doolittle. :D