Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Tis the Season...

I thought I'd fill my blog this December with some of the things I've loved about 2009 and some aspirations for 2010. I swear Longfellow wrote the below about me...

There was a little girl, who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

...If I'd worked as hard as I've procrastinated during 2009, my wrists wouldn't sting so much because I've just slapped them hard. Sort of. Okay, not at all. Feeling a brave sort of gal, I opened up my diary and read the entry for January 1st, you know the one with all the goals. Erm, bad me. It is impossible to have a story accepted by a market if you don't send them anything and throwing all your eggs at one basket is only going to leave you smelling rotten. Seriously, Clarkesworld must be sick of my submissions and Fantasy & Science Fiction must be feeling very left out. Still I believe God loves a trier, and Neil Clarke is close to God for us writers. And who doesn't worship at the altar of Ellen Datlow.

I hope you all enjoy December as much as I intend to and repeat after me, "We are going to cut our swath through 2010."


Jamie Eyberg said...

a. that is a lovely card.
b. Here is to cutting wide literary swaths in 2010.

Anonymous said...

"Cutting swaths" sounds so deliciously sharp and primal. Cheers, my dear.


Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, we can do it.

Mercedes, I think it's time we sharpened our swords.

Katey said...

I love that card, it's gorgeous.

But yes, cutting a swath is the thing. I sort of sat on my hands a bit this year, too. Wonder if I'll put up with it next time, and hoping I won't!

Cate Gardner said...

Katey, there's nothing worse than being disappointed in yourself. We will succeed in 2010, even if we have to unplug the internet.

Aaron Polson said...

I've sharpened my scythe (for the swath-cutting that is).

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Hear hear.

I've been chased away by Clarkesworld a few times myself. I've always wondered if he is related to Arthur C....?

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, I can see it's glint from here.

Jeremy, I'll be happy if just one of our circle one day cracks Clarkesworld.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Nice card, and it's labeled #1...I love advent calendars (especially the ones with a chocolate hidden behind the door).

Fox Lee said...

I've nagged Clarkesworld with my stories quite majestically. My latest rejection was this weekend ; )

Now I'm worried if I met my goals!

Rebecca Nazar said...

"God loves a trier" I like that.

Danielle Birch said...

Great idea. And I love that picture.

K.C. Shaw said...

At least Clarkesworld responds really fast (I just got a one-day no from them myself, alas). Your attitude is awesome! 2010, here we come!

Cate Gardner said...

Alan, me too.

Natalie, I think we may be the reason they're closing to submissions in December.

Rebecca, I'm hoping he does to.

Danielle, it is rather pretty.

KC, I think that's why we all bother them so much.