Friday, 6 November 2009

Weavers of Dark Tales

R Scott McCoy, editor of Necrotic Tissue (no doubt you already know that), has posted an excellent blog post on changes he thinks the HWA should make to its membership rules. Among other things, I discovered the 90% rule means my pro-pay sale to NT doesn't count towards Active Membership, and with my only other pro-pay sale being a dark fantasy tale to Fantasy Magazine, I guess I'm back at the beginning.

Anyway, don't listen to me whitter, either go check his post or get back to your NaNoWriMo novel... Here's today's bits and pieces.

Dark Tales by `x-horizon on deviantART

NaNoWriMo Prompt Words:

Styrofoam Cup
Cloudy Mornings
Parachute Man
Sweat Trail
Motion Sickness
Rusting Skin
Pipe Cleaners


Jamie Eyberg said...

That is the cabin from my MG book. I'd swear it.

Cate Gardner said...

Of course it is, I stole the image from behind your eyes...

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Interesting...does NT not always pay pro rates? I remember from the Cafe Doom contest last year they offered pro for the winner, but I guess maybe that's an exception for them?

I've never really researched any of the SF or horror (or even general lit) organizations...what are the major benefits of membership?

Cate Gardner said...

Jeremy, NT pay pro rate for the best story per issue so they don't qualify all other stories are at a lower (though still excellent) rate.

As an affiliate member you can nominate works for the Stokers but you can only vote if you're an active member.

Katey said...

Yeah, we could go on all day about the HWA, I think.

On a more cheerful note, yay for those prompts. I've been really "meh" about all my ideas all week, but I think you just knocked something loose.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Styrofoam Cup--Used to throw them into campfires when I was a kid. They melt really cool. Nice image, possibly metaphorical?

Cate Gardner said...

Katey, fantastic.

Rebecca, having never been camping (I know), I missed out on the whole styrofoam cup melting thing and I'm a little depressed about that.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Pipe cleaners and syrofoam cups, I'm now flashing back to art & crafts at camp...

Cate Gardner said...

No flashback here... I have actual pipe cleaners within three feet of me... Last used to make spiders.

Fox Lee said...

Will they at least provide me with quality make prostitutes?

Cate Gardner said...

Only if the member is active... Blushes.

Aaron Polson said...

Why am I am member? Looks like no benefits, really. But I still pay my dues.

Time will tell if I continue to pay my dues, though. Mr. McCoy has really done his homework.

Brendan P. Myers said...

Cool find. Perhaps I'm wrong, but wasn't it founded in large part as a networking vehicle? Perhaps the Internet has made it somewhat obsolete.

Anyway, like I posted on Scott's blog, I'm not sure what I'm missing.

K.C. Shaw said...

Well, that's aggravating about HWA. SFWA is just as tough in their requirements, which is ridiculous since they grandfathered in everyone who'd been a member before they changed the requirements a number of years ago--even if the grandfathered members hadn't published anything in years.

You're 1/3 of the way to SFWA membership for sure, though. I'm still 0/3 of the way there. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, I'm starting to teeter as to whether to join even if I make enough qualifying sales for Active Membership.

Brendan, I hope we're missing nothing.

Kate, getting into the SFWA as an active member is sooooo hard. I look at the list and quiver.

BT said...

Time for you all to apply for Australian citizenship and become members of the AHWA - much bigger benefits and a much smaller fee with no exclusivity!

Networking is excellent as well.

R. Scott McCoy said...

Lisa Mortan said the sale actually might count. She used to be the membership chair. If true, then section 2 is poorly written. Perhaos they would benefit from a rewrite or two examples, one that wouldn;t qualify and one that would. I say give it a go and see what response you get.

Cate Gardner said...

BT, I want to be an honorary Australian.

Scott, will do. After all, they can only say no and prod me with a sharp stick.