In other news, I finished reading through Theatre and fixed as many typos as I found... We all know there are more lurking, right? And as the publisher is going to be away on holiday until November 20th, he has given me leave to get it back to him then... Phew, another read through etc etc etc. I be very nervous.
Horrific by ~einen on deviantART
Dead Man's Suitcase
Hole in Shoe
Dripping Tap
Magnifying Glass
Barefoot Servants
Iron Lung
Climbing the Walls
Evil Encore
Eject Button
Flashing Light
Again, such lovely titles for your creations. Even your post titles inspire!
Now I really want to work an eject button into the story. I wonder if I can retrofit one into a 1984 Chevy truck?
"Barefoot servants" has really sparked my imagination, Cate. I'll try to work that into the story...
I'm loving the prompts-- they're such a cool combination of simple and Out There.
Good luck with the proofreading. If you want help with it, drop me a line-- but I'm sure you've found any little typos already. It'll be perfect!
Aaron, :D
Jamie, every novel should have an eject button at some point.
Alan, cool. :D
Katey, I thought I'd found them all and then Mum circled a few for me. Sigh! Those blighters refuse to go away.
So you've got until the end of November to worry? :) I'm sure everything is perfect!
I love your prompts. I think I may have to start working some of them into my project. Do pirate ships have eject buttons? Seems like that would be useful.
Kate, ooh eject buttons seem very popular.
For some reason I read "bacon" instead of "encore."
You're all mad. Keep it up!
Wonderful. I love the eject button concept. :-D
Iron lung :)
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