Dead Souls, edited by Mark Deniz, contains my story When the Cloak Falls, along with stories by Michael Stone, Ramsey Campbell, T A Moore, Paul Finch, Gary McMahon, Bernie Mojzes, Carole Johnstone, and Bill Ward. And Mark had my contributor copy signed for me at FantasyCon by himself, Gary McMahon, Paul Finch, Ramsey Campbell, Rebecca Lloyd and Carole Johnstone. Carol also signed my copy of Grants Pass, which alas I'm not in, but the wonderful Katey Taylor is.
And I know I've shown this before, but how can you resist buying this book after watching the trailer:
More books that have been on my list for awhile now. I need to buy a book store. I think it would be cheaper.
I'm giving my family a list of books for Christmas to reduce the length of my 'to buy' list.
What gorgeous covers! Hooray for you! :)
You know, NaNoWriMo is there to light a fire under you. And it sounds like that fire was lit by the rewrite request. Run free, my little Faerie Cate! Slip from the NaNo chains from which you were bound!
And I still don't have a NaNo idea. Last year I literally thought of one the night before.
That Dead Souls cover freaks me out so much, especially today when my contacts feel really dry. Awesome about the shipment of books! :)
Squealing is understandable! Congrats Cate, you're in good company there.
Jamie has the right idea...buy a bookstore. Or I could, at the least, land a part time job in one.
(great stuff, by the way--congrats!)
Cate, wow, this seems awesome. I cannot wait to read it. Cool. :-D
Congrats. I love the Dead Souls cover - added to my list.
Ha! Little Faerie Cate - the family might disagree with that description, Mercedes. :D
Kate, I detest spiders and yet now I'm forced to pin a postcard above my desk of the Dead Souls cover. Perhaps it will cure my arachnophobia.
Natalie, did you spy a naked Korean in the eye??? :D
Ian, I am indeed.
Aaron, I believe book stores are notoriously hard to get jobs in.
Thanks Tyhitia & Danielle. :D
Believe it or not, I managed a bookstore for about six months. The economy was better then. Dangerous job, really, when the ability to order any book you wanted (at discount) was right at your fingertips...
So envious....
I cannot wait for my copy of Dead Souls! It's so pretty, I just want to lick it--
Er, not the spider. Or the eyeball. The book. Really.
Right! Hope you enjoy GP!
Katey, loving Grants Pass.
Oh good. I always get nervous when I find out someone is reading it. Maybe that'll wear off when I'm more of an old hand at this, assuming I ever get to be.
But no. Probably not. :/
I like that book trailer. And the anthologies look really interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out.
Even though I have a story in Dead Souls, I can't help pimping Grants Pass instead. I haven't read DS yet, but Grants is a fantastic book.
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