Sunday, 6 September 2009

Surreal Snow Globes.

You type in something simple in Google and the next thing you're lusting over the most surreal, gorgeous, hideous snow globes. No hideous, is such a wrong word as the work of Walter Martin & Paloma Munoz is disturbingly beautiful. I was only looking for a picture of a snow globe for the blog post announcing the new title of my WIP and the next I'm in full-on lust mode.

Anyhow, this is how the original post should have read, and still does for the most part...

I retitled my WIP YA (welcome to acronymn city), Horrifiques, about a week ago. At first I was sitting with Snow Glass Globe, which I still adore but an Amazon search revealed it was too close to 'Snow Glass, Apples' by Neil Gaiman. I know titles aren't copyrighted and it's not even the same title but horror upon horror you don't want your story compared to Gaiman, it's a lose-lose situation. so I've played with words, swapped them around and finally settled on, Grim Glass Vein. I hope you approve and if you don't - :/) I work better with a title I love.


The Crimson Pig said...

For what it's worth...I like the new title much better

Cate Gardner said...

It's worth a lot - thank you.

Rebecca Nazar said...

I like it too. I'm partial to alliteration.

Cate Gardner said...

It was Grim Glass Globe for a while until I said it very, very fast and got all tongue tied.

Fox Lee said...

I am enamored of this one:

Danielle Birch said...

Love the new title.

Aaron Polson said...

Nice title, Cate. I think it works well.

BT said...

Oh, I got a little shiver when I read the new title - I likey a loty - which sounds really stupid - but means good things!

Cate Gardner said...

Natalie, There's a story to be built around that snow globe, I'm sure.

Thanks, Danielle

Thanks, Aaron

Thanks, BT.

Anonymous said...

i looked at the snow globes yesterday, thought pretty, and then looked away.

and then i dreamed of them last night. very strange snow globes they are...

Barry Napier said...

Awesome title. Now, a synopsis if you please...

Alan W. Davidson said...

Yes, Cate, I'm jumping on the new title bandwagon as well.

Katey said...

I just spent way too long looking at their snow globes. Holy god, that is lovely.

Your titles are inevitably not just cool as hell, but also give a perfect indication of what to expect. I don't know how you do it, but you have again. I think Grim Glass Vein is beautiful, and I hope it gives you the love you need!

Cate Gardner said...

Samantha, dreaming of those globes can bring only good things.

Barry, I hate you. :/)

Thanks, Alan.

Katey, they are so beautiful and so pricey.

Rabid Fox said...

I'm on board with the new title as well. And yeah, definitely a nightmare to get thrown into the pit with Neil Gaiman's work. :)

Cate Gardner said...

It's not somewhere I was prepared to go.

Joanna Ruth Meyer said...

Gorgeous new title, I like it a lot!!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Joanna.