1) Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive.
2) NO CAPTIONS!!! It must be like we’re speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words.
3) They must ALREADY be on your hard drive - no googling or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past. They must be something you’ve saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
4) You do NOT have to answer any questions about any of your pictures if you don’t want to. You can make them as mysterious as you like. Or you can explain them away as much as you like.

Hmm, a "blue-pen editor as oppose to a red-pen editor". The picture that really caught my eye was the firemen with dragon wings. Must be some interesting children's book...
I love the winged firemen.
Hello, blue-pen editor, I'm a green-pen editor. I tell my students green is the color of hope. (as in I hope you do better next time)
I too love the firemen.
I'm an edit with whatever colour pen you find editor.
The winged fireman are by a fabulous artist named Villemard, he did a whole collection of how he thought the world would look in the year 2000. If only.
I'm a purple pen editor. Maybe we could put together a whole rainbow of edits...
Then again, maybe that's lame. :)
I too loved the winged firemen. Are you willing to share where it came from, or do you want to maintain the mystery?
Carrie, click on the little thumbnails.
I was about to ask about the winged firemen too. I've never heard of that artist-- what a find!
I also really love the La Machine poster. I went and looked it up to find out about it and... omg! Dude!
Also: Jensen.
Your hard drive is DEFINITELY cool.
Winged firemen! : )
Boys with wings!! Yay!
Nice, Catherine. I love picture-prompts. And I've just wasted - sorry, spent - an hour doing this myself.
I'll make you a deal. You send me Eve Myles, I'll send you Jensen Ackles.
nice pics. I still like the hypnotic chicken.
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