I'm on holiday this week and next (as in away from work and not lying on an Hawaiian beach with Jensen Ackles and Ryan Kwanten -
sigh!!!) so I will no doubt find my way into a book store or two. Oh dear! This is my current 'To Be Read' pile. I did a lotto and put the books in the order that I will have to read them (as some have been lingering on my shelf for years)... Must not deviate. Of course any new books will be slipped in at various points because well... Just because.
I remember the days when I couldn't afford to buy books. That girl would have wet herself to find the below goodies on her shelf. Must look at them with wonder and not the fear that it's going to take me over a year to read them all.

Wow, that looks like some fun reading. :) I'm afraid to count my to be read piles, although I've made inroads into it the last few months.
That is a thing of beauty indeed! I too remember a time when I couldn't afford books (let alone food!), and I love to bask in the glory of my massive to-read pile. I want to roll around in them. Or maybe swim through them, like Scrooge McDuck and his money bin. Yeah.
I just went to a book sale and bought my weight in 50 cent paperbacks. I'll be busy too.
Quite an impressive stack. Reminds me that I need to make a much needed trip to the bookstore.
My 'to read' list is never ending, too!
I am jealous, you have a copy of the Twelve on your shelf. We can't even buy it over here yet.
Glorious piles! I'm glad somebody can appreciate them. My wife...well, she's not fond of my book piles.
(I need a library...)
Thank you. You make me feel less ashamed : )
My TBR pile gnaws at my brain even as a type!
I'm thinking of building a TBR room. You should see my bookmark collection...
I'm kinda glad in a way that we don't live near each other.
You have a total of one book in your pile that I've already read - Gratia Placenti (excellent read by the way, check my review), and one that is also in my TBR pile, SK's Just After Sunset.
I'm also envious of you having The Twelve already. I'm on the supposed ARC list for Australia and I'm still waiting :c(
If we lived within book sharing distance, neither of us would have to buy another book for years! Except, of course, for those must have new releases...
God, we'd never get to the end, would we?
Looking at your pile I remembered that I have Hawkes Harbour by S E Hinton at home to be read as well, yet it isn't in my to be read pile. Now begins the witch hunt.
I wonder if we laid all our TBR piles in a line whether they would circle the Earth. :D
My lord, that is a pile of books. Mine pales in comparison. Of course, I've been weeding out books periodically.
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