Friday, 8 May 2009

Smiling for the Camera

Smile, someone might be watching…

Did you know that agents and editors/publishers check out your blog? Well not necessarily yours or mine, but they look at writers blogs and sometimes, rare times, wonderful things happen. I know of writers who have had agents/editors stumble upon their blog, offer to read their work and then offer them representation. Sounds like a fairy tale. The latest I’ve heard of, the writer (I’m taking them at their word here and see no reason why they would lie) said that their blog was pivotal (they may have used a lesser word but I'm all for the dramatic) in the publishers decision on whether or not to accept their book. They accepted it. Seriously! All I have to stay in the matter is…

Oh god, I’m stuffed.


Jamie Eyberg said...

That would be awesome. I'm not holding out hope myself.

Cate Gardner said...

It's a shame the world fails to recognise our blogging brilliance. ;)

Rebecca Nazar said...

My blog? Hell and snowballs come to mind . . .

Cate Gardner said...

With you on that one... Mine that is, not yours.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

Eleven years at (name of corporation with more staff lawyers than janitors) has taught me the value of keeping a filter on my internet ramblings, so as to not get my sorry butt fired/sued/flayed before that big publishing contract comes in...I try not to talk too much smack about the business side of publishing, either. Not that I have a lot of smack to talk, mind...

Cate Gardner said...

Count to ten and take a deep breath before you type is very good advice.

Aaron Polson said...

Yikes. I better keep it clean then, huh?

Actually, this is the way of the 21st century. You better have a blog if you want to be an author...really.

Josh Reynolds said...

I got a job thanks to my blog. It was writing real estate copy, but still...

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, I've often wondered if being a teacher effects what you blog about.

Not bad going, Joshua.

Aaron Polson said...

I'm sure it does, Cate. I hope I don't sound too "preachy" or "teachy".

Cate Gardner said...

Not at all, Sir. ;)

Fox Lee said...

You realize, of course, that my blog tends to traumatize people who stumble into it ; )

Cate Gardner said...

It normally leaves me with images of Korean men that I can't shake off. :)

Katey said...

Yeah, but I like the Korean Dudes!

I'm definitely stuffed on this one... but hey. At least it's honest, and won't build up false hopes that I'm, I don't know, a perfectly sane and mature grown-up.

Barry Napier said...

that's both frightening and scary. I think I need to head to my blog and seriously consider the design now...

Steven J. Dines said...

Lol, this blog post is inspiring and, um, just a little bit terrifying!