Apart from developing OECD (Obsessive Email Checking Disorder) and Twitter-Wrist, I haven't achieved much in the first 19 days of May. Pity there isn't another 19 to go (can I have a word please, God). So far, May's word count is a whopping (ahem!) 4,690 words. Developing Panic-itis.
The main problem is I've stalled on 'Church of the Vacant Lot'. I'm at the 'my god this is crap what were you thinking' stage, rapidly heading towards the terminal consigned to the box file of doom stage. I don't want to work on 'Red' (the follow up to 'The Poisoned Apple') as TPA may never sell and that would be stupid. Blah! Blah! Blah! Of course, in true let's prod the brain until it explodes and makes pretty patterns on the wall style, I am working on another idea. And it is, as usual, brilliant. :)
Thought for the day: Wondering who painted the sky grey. Didn't it used to be blue?
I write sequels to books that will never sell all the time! I figure it's all good practice. And of course, I still hope.
If I work very hard the rest of the month, I might actually beat your wordcount for May! That would be a first for me. :)
My procrastinating soul is rooting for you, KC. :)
I have a friend who is an occupational therapist; I think I may mention twitter-wrist to him. There could be a dissertation...
Spring fever, Cate. ;)
Aaron, trust me - within the year it will be all over the news.
Probably, Jodi. :)
I think your word count is kicking my word counts butt.
Well I'm glad it's doing something useful.
Catherine, you are precious. You procrastinate? This is just a lull before you'll write-a-novel-fun-and-quirky-in-or-around-six-months-masterstroke. ;-)
That's more than I've written! Adapting to editing a novel has been an uphill climb : P
Rebecca, I admire your confidence. You're insane, but I admire that. :D
Natalie, I am sooooo jealous. Editing I can handle this nothingness is driving me bonkers. Plus, Bucky's Luck is going to be awesome.
this is just a downtime that's all. soon you be full of creativity and chipping away at the computer keys.
i think i have the email disease. i need to start setting limits... and i will, tomorrow.
I've tried the whole 'setting myself limits' thing - it just makes me rebellious. ;)
I have Twitter-wrist too. That may be why I am also stalled on my manny. I think we need a support group.
A "Twitter" support group. ;)
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