Monday, 25 May 2009

Introducing Mr. Grim

Strange weekend. First I was going to buy a laptop, then I wasn't, and then in a snap decision I found myself in the local branch of Staples lusting over several laptops. Well, half-lusting. They had none in pink, green or red, just silver and plain old grey. I hit BoringShopVille. Mr. Laptop is temporarily named Mr. Grim and he's very grey.

So far, Mr. Grim and I have completed one short story (The Shelf Life of Stars) and one flash story (A Blood-Spattered Letter from Mr. Grim), we've also tried to do a little more work on Morality Inn and failed. Ho-hum! All I need now is that wonderful novel idea, or rather a wonderful novel idea that I can write more than seventy-four words of, and we're away - on the bus to to fame and fortune. Hey, who just put their foot on the breaks...

Thinking on Aaron Polson's blog post of a few days ago, re endings, both of the above shorts started with a complete plan and went completely off course. 'Shelf Life' kept an image from its original ending but the character and storyline had completely changed, and Mr. Grim ended before we got to the haunting part. In fact, Mr. Grim turned quite nasty hence a name change from 'Drowning in Dead Seas' to 'A Blood-Spattered etc'. Conclusion (for me), don't waste your time with a detailed plan just follow the story's heart (even if you have to tear it out).


Barry Napier said...

I desperately need a new laptop. Like very badly. Picture a shark. Now picture it being punched squarely in the mouth by Godzilla. If that shark were to smile, it would look very much like my laptop's keyboard.

Cate Gardner said...

Ouch! Note to self: don't pound out frustrations on keyboard.

K.C. Shaw said...

I like your laptop's name (mine's named Bunny, which fits it but isn't quite as interesting).

HOW do you come up with ideas for so many stories? I am so jealous!

Jamie Eyberg said...

At this point all I have are laptops. I do like the power of the desktops, but I don't need that right now. Incidentally, none of my computers or other inanimate objects in my house have names. ;)

Aaron Polson said...

Glad I could help. Or not. (scratches head)

My endings seldom being what was intended, but it's nice to have a map so I can know where I'm not.

Aaron Polson said...

um...make that "become" not "being"

Whirlochre said...

I went for Plum. A plum laptop — yum yum.

Rocks so much my cat prefers it to her spot next to the radiator.

Fox Lee said...

I think Mr. Grim is a darling name for a laptop : )

Jeremy D Brooks said...

I broke down here a couple of weeks ago and got a super-cheap netbook, and I am getting so much more writing done. So, so nice, although it's so small it's kind of hard to type on...

Danielle Birch said...

My laptop is boring grey. It's getting on in years now so I stuck butterflies to it to cheer it up. I've never named it though. Hmmm...

Tuonela said...

The Shelf Life of StarsWhat a wonderful title!

I think there's a laptop in my future, but the new kitchen has to be paid for first, so still chained to the desk...

Cate Gardner said...

K.C., I probably wouldn't have named mine but I was jealous that you'd named yours. :)

Jamie, well it's about time they did.

Whirl, Plum is a fabulous name.

Jeremy, I saw netbooks but being a technodunce I didn't know what they were.

Danielle, I'm on the hunt for a fancy cover for mine.

Natalie :)

Ian, I'm supposed to be buying a new sofa. :(

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Congrats on the laptop! Someday soon, I hope to join the ranks of the technologically mobile. ;)

Awesome title, again!

Carrie Harris said...

I'm not surprised by your ability to come up with an awesome laptop name. You have such great titles for your stories.

I'd still like to hire you as a titler. Because I suck rocks.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Grim is a great name for a laptop. My laptop doesn't have a name. What about... typey? oh dear. i think its better nameless.

in a related topic, i call my car corolley.