Two stories published in one day - I feel almost famous.
Insomniac Ink is available to read at Jodi Lee's New Bedlam. I'd love it if you have the time to head over their and read it and possibly leave a comment. You'll also find fiction from Barry Napier, R Scott McCoy, Jeff Parish, Jodi Lee plus others. But be warned, it's a scary place to visit even for a little while. If you have heart problems perhaps you should creep away and pretend you were never here.
And the folks at M-Brane SF have published my funny (I hope) sci-fi short 'See Saw', which is available in print & pdf.
Don't forget New Bedlam is now open to new residents, check out the submission guidelines
2 in 1 day! WOW! Congrats!
I believe it's a first.
I need to head back over to New Bedlam and reread your story.
You rock : )
And when I've eaten too much chocolate, I roll. :D
Whoot! I have some reading material tonight. Congrats, Cate.
Thanks, Aaron.
I've had a fabulous reading day at work. I loved R Scott McCoy's story over at New Bedlam and Natalie's story in the latest issue of Necrotic Tissue.
Thank you again, Cate. I'm so thrilled with how New Bedlam turned out, and you all are the reason for it.
Congrats. Going over to read them today.
A double-header! WOOT!!!
And thank you for asking me to submit a story, Jodi.
Thanks, Danielle.
Kim, shame it doesn't happen every day. :)
Wow! Standing O for you, Cate, for hitting that two in one day milestone! I still don't know how you do it, but you already knew that, didn't you?
I bribe editors with hallucinogenic cookies. ;)
That's fantastic news. Congrats!
Lynnette Labelle
Time to take up being an editor - I want a cookie.
I've read and commented - congrats on the story. I intend to read the rest of volume one shortly. I sent something to Jodi when Bedlam first came out but didn't make the grade so this time I'll be researching and then submitting - if I can come up with something.
Snoopy dance for the double header.
Two publications--nice day! I'm off to read them!
Thanks, Lynette.
Thanks for reading, BT. :)
Thanks, KC.
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