Monday, 27 April 2009

Insert Words Here

If only every day could be like the two that have just galloped past – that’s longhand for I had a good writing weekend.

Uninterrupted writing bliss with occasional breaks to twitter. Okay, more than occasional.

The Sour Aftertaste of Olive Lemon is almost complete. As much as I’ve loved writing the story and editing it, my favourite part was, on realising it was going to be too short for its intended market, setting the backbone of the story aside to write scenes that I could insert into the manuscript. I think it’s one of the least stressful parts of the writing process along with those magical words: ‘The End’.



Jamie Eyberg said...

It sounds like a lot of people had good writing weekends.

Barry Napier said...

You and your clever titles! This sounds very promising!

K.C. Shaw said...

I'd congratulate you on your great writing weekend, but after writing THE END, you don't need my congratulations. :)

Aaron Polson said...

Huzzah for a productive one!

Anonymous said...

If I was an editor I'd accept the story based on the title alone! I'm still waiting for my writer magic to come back, I tend to go in streaks.

Cate Gardner said...

Jamie, I know. Very strange how we all have the same blah times and the same good times.

Barry, let's hope so.

KC, Sigh *The End*.

Huzzah back at you.

Cate Gardner said...

**Wishes Justin was an Editor**

Jodi Lee (Morrighan) said...

Love the title, and I'm intrigued. :)

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, Jodi.

Fox Lee said...

Twitter has all of us by the balls, doesn't it ; )

Cate Gardner said...

It does indeed.

cmshevlin said...

Congratulations on finishing... love the title.

I had an oddly productive writing weekend too - oddly because I ended up not working at all on the things I'd planned to and starting new projects. Oops.

Danielle Birch said...

Those are good weekends indeed.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

The title alone makes me want to read that one. Really, that's just brilliant.

BT said...

Obviously I'm out of sink - I managed nothing this weekend - and I don't tweet!

Congrat's on getting so much done.

Andrea Allison said...

I'm glad you had a great writing weekend. Mine was tossed out of the window thanks to the yard sale from hell.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks CM, and that's how most of my writing time flows - end up working on something else.

Let's hope next weekend favours us as well, Danielle.

Thanks, Jeremy.

You really need to get with the program, BT. ;)

Andrea, don't mention yard sales around my brother. He's addicted to other peoples crap.

Rabid Fox said...

Well, allow me to add my own congrats to the din. Best of luck with the finished product.