Submissions: Lost Count - we'll go for one billion and seven
Sales: 1 (after an invite to submit)
Rejections: Stopped counting when it hit 7 (boo, Cate)
Publications: 1 (Uncle Eric's Leather Bound Tale in Arkham Tales)
Approx Word Count: 22,813 words
Total Word Count 2009: 55,532 words
Stories out in submission land: That would require counting.
WIP: Planning Novelette/Novella - 'Church of the Vacant Lot'; trying to ignore 'The Poisoned Apple', and casting a hungry eye over my plan for 'The Moth Maker'.
New Subscriptions: Necrotic Tissue, plus 2 books - Frozen Blood by Joel Sutherland and Bury Me Deep by Joshua Reynolds.
I finished editing 'Theatre of Curious Acts', wrote the synopsis and the query letter (phew!). I wrote three short stories: See Saw, In Silence We Stalk, Insomniac Ink; and two flash stories: Dead Green Glow, Flattened.
And to start the month off on a happy note: Andrea Allison awarded me a 'Superior Scribbler' award.
Here are the rules:
Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Well, this is a tough one because I know many, many superior scribblers. In fact, that would be all of you on my friends list. So in the interest of fairness, I've placed all your names in a hat (well a heap on my desk actually - folded up of course) and dipped in blindly. So here are the superior scribblers 2009:
1. Camille Alexa. A blue haired writing goddess on the verge of super stardom. No more to be said.
2. Natalie L. Sin. Where else on the web can you find such dedication to Korean boy bands? If you're in need of a smile, check out Natalie's blog.
3. Jamie Eyberg, who manages to blog and write and twitter while a toddler scurries around his desk.
4. Gustavo Bondoni, who I am convinced is glued to his chair and that his fingers are tied to his keyboard.
5. Aaron Polson, who when not writing about House Eaters and Rock Gods is educating young minds as to the brilliance of literature.
Go spread the love.
Hi Cate,
Your productivity astounds me! I'm very jealous...my meager efforts manage about 2000 words for 2009.
Well done.
Rich aka Rocket
Cheers, Rich.
Gosh...I need to find some scribblers now...
Sorry, dude. :D
Is it just me or is this the year of the longer works? It seems everyone is working on a book right now.
I was thinking the same thing. :D
Sounds like a very productive month, again! You seem so good at doing loads of different things at once. I need to get better at that :-)
Don't be fooled. :)
A truly productive month-- I love these update things, for some reason I find it inspiring that other people manage to get so much done. I love your title once more, "Church of the Vacant Lot" sounds lovely.
Your magic hat (okay, desk) has produced some superiority indeed! I'll drink to those superior scribblers!
I look forward to everyone's end of month posts, which means I probably need to get a life. :D
I'm hoping 'Church of the Vacant Lot' is dark and nasty, but most of all I'm hoping it's novella length. I fear my brevity.
I'll do this tomorrow, promise! I have anniversary stuff to do today ; )
You're excused, Ms. Sin. :D
Ah but Cate, it's the soul of wit. (Not that I'd know anything about it. Ugh.)
"Uncle Eric's Leather Bound Tale" was really good. I've thought of it quite a few times since I read it.
You must write in your sleep! Please tell me your secret to such productivity!
I love reading everyone's round ups for the month. Yours puts mine very much in the shade. Well done.
You do so much more than me in any given month. You inspire me and make me insanely jealous. Also, congrats on the sale (I just now checked Twitter for the first time today)!
"Church of the Vacant Lot" is an awesome title!
U R 1 amazing woman!!!
1 billion 7 - who's counting that?
It's the 1 sale that counts!
Thanks, Jeremy. That'll be the subliminal messaging. :D
Bobbie - no life. :)
Thanks, Danielle.
Thanks KC.
Kim, I agree. LOL!
Frankly, my monthly round-up would be embarassing alongside this. When do you SLEEP? Well done, indeed. An inspiration to us all.
I gave up sleep in 1984.
Cate -
I'm flustered by your flattering description, and am only slightly mollified by the fact that you drew my name quasi-randomly from your virtual hat.
Thanks for including me! My apologies in advance for being such an inveterate rule-ignorer (far worse than a rule-breaker, who after all enjoys a sort of romanticized glamour!).
Going to post now.
Camille, rules were made to be broken. I'm sure you know many superior scribblers, in fact I'm guessing quite a few visit your home.
Thanks, Cate!
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