Monday, 26 January 2009


My television blew up last night.

My television blew up just as Lost and Supernatural were premiering their new series, and tonight is episode five of 24.

It smelled a little like rubber burning and first off I blamed my hairdryer (oh, I wish), then the washing machine (who needs clean clothes), and then to my horror I saw that the television had switched itself off and was looking a blacker shade of grey. We've only had it 2 and a bit years, and the one before that blew up. Maybe I've watched too many episodes of Buffy on DVD and something has escaped. If I find the gremlin, I'll let you know.


Jeremy D Brooks said...

Expensive appliance gremlins==bad.

Cate Gardner said...

=very bad. :(

Thank goodness for repeats. I never thought I'd say that.

Rebecca Nazar said...

Your suspicion about the Buffy DVDs could be right. My hubby got one stuck in his computer; it took him hours to get it out. Hope all goes well.

Cate Gardner said...

*Note to self: keep Buffy DVDs away from the PC.

Aaron Polson said...

Yikes! Good luck sorting out the gremlins. Naughty, naughty gremlins.

K.C. Shaw said...

Computers and TVs and the like all have impeccable timing for when they blow up--it's always at the worst possible moment. I hope yours turns out to be a minor problem.

Jamie Eyberg said...

At least it was only one appliance and not the whole house full. (I know I am stretching the optimism here but it could have been worse. it could have been the television and the computer)

Cate Gardner said...

I would rather lose the television than my computer any day. And in a way, the computer can be my television. We've scheduled a half hour of soaps in front of the tv for later tonight - I've just discovered ITV allows you to watch live TV online.

Carrie Harris said...

I'd give you advice, but with my appliance-related luck, I would probably just jinx you. So I'll just send you good, non-jinxing vibes.

Danielle Birch said...

I can only commiserate and hope you have TV back in your house soon :)

Jameson T. Caine said...

Maybe it's the same gremlin that blew up my hard drive.

I say we catch him and do something really nasty to forcing him to watch Ishtar five times straight.

Fox Lee said...

Did it commit suicide? I've heard they do that when it's left on Lifetime: Television for Women. As you probably know, most tvs are male.

PS: I got your card today!

Bobbie Metevier said...

Power surge or something? Hmmm, would a surge protector help keep the next one from blowing?

Matthew Baugh said...

I don't know what you're going on about. Things explode all the time.

(Wait for it)

Andrea Allison said...

I thought the gremlins were working their magic on our satellite today. It went out for like 5 hours today.

Cate Gardner said...

LOL! Matthew.

And Natalie, Lifetime: Television for Women. ::shudder::

Mary said...

Natalie makes a very good point. If you watched only football and news, your TV would last forever.

My iron blew up last year ... while I was ironing. It even set the ironing board cover on fire!

Cate Gardner said...

Yikes, Mary. Did you flap? I'd have flapped.

Mary said...

I flapped AND screamed. I’m terrified of fire.

Cate Gardner said...

I'd have probably set a few other items on fire - the curtains come to mind.

I'm actually fascinated by fire and Bonfire Night is my favourite night of the year.

Steven J. Dines said...

Sorry to hear that, but look on the bright have an excuse to buy a bigger and better TV!


Brenda said...

I've come to the point that if I don't let my favorite toys (computer, t.v., etc) know how much I need them, they will last is only when they know they are the center of your world that they act up and cause misery...grin...

Hope you get things working reall soon...