Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Three Honorable Crows


Three Crow Press have accepted my short story ‘The Forest of Sepia Children’ for the first issue of the Morrigan Books E-Zine.

I also received today what has to be the nicest rejection possible from Allegory for ‘Rosalind Red Stands in the Snow’ – the story didn’t make it into January’s issue but will be listed on the honorable mention page. The good thing about rejections is they give me an excuse to play on Duotrope and to ignore my troublesome WIP.


Anonymous said...

I also got the NO from Allegory. And, like yours, it was the nicest rejection I ever received.

Congrats on the Morrigan sale!

Cate Gardner said...

I saw on GT that your story didn't make it either and was a little disappointed as I'd hoped one of us would get in.

Katey said...

That's awesome news about Three Crow Press! I was so hoping to come up with a submission there because they are just amazing, but alas.

I do love the nice rejections. Takes all the sting right out of it.

Cate Gardner said...

I love Morrigan Books too. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cool acceptance. Way to go Cate! (50% is still nothing to sneeze at, unless you are still sick) :)

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Jamie.

All recovered now - though I'm trying to convince myself I'm still ill so that I don't have to write. :)

Rich said...

Nice one, Cate.

A good sale and a decent pay rate! I really need to try an write some more stories!

Thanks for stopping by on my blog.


Fox Lee said...

You always have the loveliest titles : )

Erik said...

Congrats on the sale. That is wonderful news. You are a writing machine. I think the theft and reappropriation of your mojo might be in order.

Brenda said...

Congrats on your story! Glad you are feeling better..

Kimbra Kasch said...

It's so cool to be accepted !!!


J.C. Tabler said...

Congrats, Cate, on both counts!

...I miss being stalked...

Carrie Harris said...

Congrats on the sale, and once again, it's another fabulous title.

Rob Brooks said...

I could waste so much time on Duotrope. Any time I hit a roadblock, it's one of my first stops...

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats again Cate. Crows are very honorable birds.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the acceptance! And an honorable mention for the other story is pretty cool too.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks everyone. :)