Friday, 3 October 2008

The Wolf Dude Presents...


Or, in font other than webdings:


A collection of chilling tales for the haunted season.

Which for the uninitiated contains my story 'Dead Parachutes' - the one with the zombie Dolly Parton impersonators, a retired superhero, a psychotic gnome, and a shopping cart named Fred. It is available at all good book stores. Actually, it isn't - but I've always wanted to say that. It is up on Amazon though. Which in its own way is a very good book store.

Anyhow, this fabulous book also contains a story by the wonderful and talented Aaron A. Polson - if you haven't read anything of his yet, then I recommend (again!) Reciprocity, which was published in The Battered Suitcase. Plus, there's a wee something from our esteem Editor Christopher Allan Death, and also tales from Christopher Fulbright, Rob Rosen, Lawrence Dagstine, Tom Johnstone, Karen L Newman, Sam Leng, and Kris Ashton.


Carrie Harris said...

Zombie Dolly Parton impersonators? I'm sold. It's going on my birthday list.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I want to know more about Fred.

Michael Stone said...

Congratulations, Cate. Your summary makes this one sound bizarre and irresistible.

Aaron Polson said...

I (heart) wolf dude.

Cate Gardner said...

Cheers, Carrie.

Jamie - me too, he rolled off before we could have a proper conversation.

Thanks, Michael.

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron, he's insisting we read your story first. :)

Katey said...

I'm so getting this. It's on my next big ol' book list.

Also, it looks quite fetching with Wolfgang beside it, doesn't it?

Cate Gardner said...

The Wolf Dude is such a salesman. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, the zombie Dollies! I have to get this one!

sruble said...

Cool. Congratulations on your book being out!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks, girls.

Brenda said...

what a combination of characters...grin...I gotta read this story...

And wolf dude does make a great little salesman...giggle...

Cate Gardner said...

He's a star. :)