Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Missing Rooms...

Or, why taking Stephen King's advice of putting away a book for x amount of time after the first draft is completed is IMPORTANT...

In the midst of redrafting/retyping/perfecting THE MIDNIGHT MOTEL I have just discovered a wee little room missing. The gist of it is, our heroine, Miss Alice Boyd, wakes to find Death in her room (she doesn't know its Death, but has a pretty good idea the thing intends to kill her). Aware that the door or window hasn't opened & knowing the room was empty when she entered (because it's a very small room - right?) she assumes something supernatural. Ahem, now we come to the missing room - surely she has a bathroom. And on the arrival of our hero, Lee Lorimer, even he doesn't bother to check out the bathroom... No wonder the poor girl is so frustrated, she's dying for a pee...

In real life - that is mine. Went Christmas shopping today (YAY!) and ordered a taxi (because I'm lazy like that) to take me to the city centre and a BUS arrived - a fourteen seater for me and my tiny little mum... We looked like someone was coming to take us away. Curtains definitely twitched... It would have been handy on the way home as we had tons and tons of parcels... Ding dong merrily and all that...


Mary said...

Gosh, this made me laugh. Poor Alice!

Thank God for Stephen King.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Mary - Cate :)

Danette Haworth said...


I missed your blog change--the new look is great!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Danette - I get bored very easily...