CHRISTMAS is almost here - YAY! I spent the afternoon singing carols beneath a tree where Christmas lights sparkled and blinked in an array of pretty colours, with a light dusting of snow outside my window, while merrily wrapping up my presents. Okay, most of that was a lie. I wrapped my presents but spent most of my time swearing at the sellotape which kept hiding its end and getting into fights with rolls of wrapping paper. Why do I always buy such oddly shaped presents? Next year, everything is coming in a neat and tidy box.
One present that won't be making it under the tree this year is The Teddy Bears of Tomorrow by Canadian author, Joel A Sutherland, for as soon as my almost-three years old (where did the time go?) niece spied it she climbed onto her little chair and tried to reach for it. It's the tale of Rumpleton and the Teddy Bear Academy and it is a very, very sweet and original tale, suitable for children up to about the age of six... Okay, and some a bit older as I also enjoyed the read. The author kindly signed the book to my niece:

I so need a new digital camera...) who doesn't yet realise how cool that is, but will do one day. The book is available from Sam's Dot Publishers a small press company - and as I've said before and will say again - Please support the Small Press!
Haha! I laughed at those "oddly shaped presents." I'm with you! From now on, oddly shaped presents will be stricken from the Christmas gift list in favor of easy to wrap square or rectangle things.
And thank god they're all done now... Thanks for commeting, Danette.
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