Started the day in a panic - there was no way, not going to happen, what had I done, I couldn't possibly complete 1667 words a day, no way Jose!!! Obstacles were popping up left, right and sending me back again on my way home from work and I got in thirty minutes later than usual. Second panic of the day over those lost minutes. And then there's my computer, it takes longer than me to wake up.
Deep breath - I had an inkling what I would start with - and then, with a few internet surfs (had to happen), I pretty much knuckled down. This NaNoWriMo stuff may prove to be very good for me, or then again it could be just that typical first day spurt.
Look at my fabulous word meter to the right - it has a tiny bar of colour, we're on our way. One day down, twenty-nine to go, and 2,711 words completed...
Excellent first day word count!
Cheers Laura :)
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