Sunday, 30 September 2007

Who do you think you are?

I've had one of those weeks.

First off I blame the genealogy show 'Who do you think you are?' as this time every year it has me delving into the family past. Last year I wasted weeks researching the Yarker family and found my way back - (thanks to the net and some bloke who wrote about the history of the family in the late 1800s, a belated thank you to him) - to Norman times, and this week I've been researching the Rendell side of the family and am almost certain, though not sure, I've found my way back to the 1500s. Then after spending over fifty quid ordering death certificates of, quite frankly, dead people I questioned what I was wasting my time on and grrr arrghd! my way through the rest of the week.

Back on track, sort of, today. No work on The Poisoned Apple, but I have added a nice progress tracker to the right hand side of my blog and intend to draft, draft, draft as of tomorrow. I also have an idea as to where I want to go with the second book in my 'Maiden Phoenix' trilogy, plus I completed a sixty word story for my online writing group and also a short story for teenagers.


bjbw said...

Arrgh! The joys and frustrations of getting sidetracked. I can relate. Excellent post!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks Scott :)